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Creative Solutions for your communication needs


An independent consultancy that provides guidance, support, and expertise to professionals and businesses in developing and strengthening their brand identity, messaging, and strategy.


Creative Direction?

Providing one-on-one individualized attention to determine your abilities and how to communicate them effectively. Through consulting, design, photography, and profile optimization I help you gain confidence, focus and achieve your professional goals.

Hi, I'm Jenean

My friends call me Jenn. I am a brand consultant who helps people realize their value and effectively communicate it to achieve results.

As a seasoned entrepreneur, I've learned that I excelled in branding and public relations more than in the business itself. I also understand what you're experiencing and aim to be your confidant and sounding board.

My experience as a graphic designer, photographer, and beautician has taught me the value of image enhancement. I've supported individuals in their career development, provided creative direction, and won awards for my work.

I do this because it combines my passions for creativity and helping people. It is my purpose, and I'm here to help you achieve yours.

"Wow this is so awesome, thank you!

Your idea about what i do was so brilliant, so simple but perfect and just what I needed."

Sherri - Breathe Hypnotherapy


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